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Furlong Gallops are a horse gallop and horse arena construction company in County Wexford who specialise in the construction of horse gallops and horse arenas throughout Ireland and the UK.

horse track construction

With over 30 years experience in horse gallop construction, Furlong Gallops have constructed many kilometres of synthetic, artificial and all weather track gallops surfaces for the horse racing industry throughout Ireland and the UK.

The horse gallop and horse arena construction in Ireland and the UK carried out by Furlong Gallops includes: exercise gallops, all weather gallops, sand gallops, rubber gallops, sand and fibre gallops, show jumping arenas, all weather arenas, equestrian services, horse racing surfaces, horse arenas and sand furlong gallops.

The development and construction of horse arenas in Ireland and the UK is a speciality of Furlong Gallops.

Arena construction

Highly experienced in constructing horse arenas of all sizes, Furlong Gallops undertake new horse arena construction from survey to completion, project managing and construction planning for all horse arenas in Ireland and the UK are provided from start to finish.

The horse arena construction in Ireland and the UK carried out by Furlong Gallops includes equine footing surfaces such as: grass footings, dirt footings, sand footings, stone dust footings, wood product footings, rubber footings, coated sand footings and all equestrain footing surfaces.

Horse gallops and horse gallop surfaces for racing and Point to Point are provided by Furlong Gallops.

Schooling gallops installed by Furlong GallopsAs established equine facility construction specialists, Furlong Gallops are fully equipped with the latest construction equipment, and with a team of experienced gallop track construction experts, all horse gallops construction in Ireland and the UK are undertaken.

The horse gallop and horse gallop surface construction in Ireland and the UK provided by Furlong Gallops includes: new build horse gallops, canter track construction, indoor ride construction, lunge pen construction, heavy use surfaces, turf replicates, horse walkers, stallion pen construction and all equine facilities construction.

All weather horse arena construction in Ireland and the UK is carried out by Furlong Gallops.horse racing arena sand

The highly qualified staff at Furlong Gallops construct purpose built all-weather horse arenas, modern drainage systems suitable for year round use are installed, and free estimates on all-weather horse arena construction in Ireland and the UK are provided.

The all weather horse arena construction services in Ireland and the UK provided by Furlong Gallops includes: rail construction, modern drainage systems, drainage membrane construction, drainage bed surfaces, retaining boards, fence rails, gates, and all riding surfaces.

Show jumping surface construction in Ireland and the UK is available from Furlong Gallops.

show jumping surface

Created to be safe and long lasting, Furlong Gallops construct show jumping surfaces that require minimal maintenance throughout the year, and all show jumping surfaces are designed to withstand extreme lows and highs of temperature.

The show jumping surface construction services in Ireland and the UK provided by Furlong Gallops includes: show jumping event surfaces, show jumping arena surfaces, show jumping competition surfaces, show dressage surfaces, indoor horse arena surfaces, outdoor horse arena surfaces, small horse arena surfaces, large horse arena surfaces and all show jumping surface construction services.

For more information on horse gallops and horse arena construction in Ireland and the UK phone - 051 421 894 - 087 254 1729.