Award winning author Don Baldwin and his novel Wolf's QuestClick to read Awesomegang's interview with Author Don Baldwin

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Don Baldwin, Author

Don Baldwin is an award-winning author from Dundalk, County Louth who, for the last 40 years, has written an immense amount of short stories and feature articles which have been published by magazines and newspapers throughout Ireland and worldwide.

Review of Wolf's QuestAs an Irish author, Don has a passionate connection to the land and a deep fascination for the sea. With a great knowledge in Irish mythology and a variety of interests including wildlife, mountains, and history, Don has over a hundred published articles and short stories, and is a regular contributor to several Irish national magazines including ‘Ireland’s Own’, ‘Ireland’s Eye’, ‘Irish Mountain Log’, and ‘SubSea’.

Don Baldwin's Wolf Quest

Wolf's Quest by Don Baldwin, available in Ebook and PaperbackDrawing from his interests in Irish history and mythology, Don’s debut novel, Wolf’s Quest, is set in Viking-era Ireland. Wolf’s Quest follows the journey of Wolf, a feral child raised by wolves and later trained as a stealth-warrior by the enigmatic Tuatha Dé Danann. Alongside Brian Boru, Wolf and his Rangers undertake a perilous mission to thwart the Viking invaders. Landmarks such as Carlingford, Omeath, Carlingford Lough, and the Cooley Mountains feature in the backdrop of this Celtic adventure.

Wolf’s Quest is a must-read for all fans of Irish mythology, fantasy, and history.

Don Baldwin's Articles and Short Stories

Image of a mermaid, Mermaid Sighting on the Boyne by Don Baldwin can be read onlineDon lives in Ireland. He is married and a father of two, a daughter and a son. He is an avid hill-walker and scuba diver, and he draws great inspiration from both the mountains and the sea, as, he notes, did the poet William Wordsworth (1807) “Two voices are there; One is of the Sea, One of the Mountains; Each a mighty Voice...”  Don is also an ‘Advanced Adventure Sport Instructor’, reflecting his passion for outdoor adventure activities, both on land and sea.

Mount Leinster article by Don BaldwinBesides his background in construction, Don has also completed several courses in English, Creative Writing, Short Story Writing and Freelance Journalism. He has also served for three years in the Irish Permanent Defence Forces, serving with the 27th Battalion along the Irish Border. Don also did a six month peace-keeping tour of duty with the 46 th Irish Battalion with the U.N., in the troubled lands of south Lebanon.

Don writes full-time now, having closed down his construction business and taken early
retirement; so that he could finally focus on what has always been his primary passion, writing!

‘Wolf’s Quest’  is Don’s debut novel.


Words to the Wise:

"No mortal man can truly know what exists north of death, east of dreams, west of reality, or south beyond the plains of all possibilities" 

Don Baldwin

'Mystic Mountain'