G Malone Therapy is a professional sports therapist in
Tullamore, who specialises in treating sports injuries in his sports therapy clinic in Tullamore County Offaly.
As a local sports therapist in Tullamore, Gerard Malone, t/a G Malone Therapy, is highly qualified in sports therapy, is fully insured, and has many years experience in aiding pain relief through sports therapy and deep tissue massage.
The sports therapy in Tullamore provided by G Malone Therapy includes; sports therapy, back pain relief, deep tissue massage, injury prevention and injury rehabilitation.
Sports therapy in Tullamore is provided by G Malone Therapy.
Familiar with treating sports injuries, Gerard utilizes the principles of sports and exercise sciences which incorporate physiological and pathological healing processes, and recommends exercises targeting muscles adjacent to injured areas helping to reduce pain and promote faster recovery.
The sports therapy in Tullamore available from G Malone Therapy includes pain relief for; ankle strains, stress, shoulder problems, tension headaches, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, fallen arches, torn hamstrings, twisted ankles and frozen shoulders.
Treatments for back pain are available in G Malone Therapy's Tullamore pain relief clinic.
Having studied the root causes of back pain, Gerard assesses each client on an individual basis, recommends the most appropriate treatment and will customise a treatment plan suited to specific back pain sufferers.
The back pain treatments in Tullamore Pain Relief Clinic provided by G Malone Therapy includes pain relief for; lower back pain, whiplash, joint pain, neck injuries, strain injuries, prolonged bad posture, shoulder pain and arthritic pain.
Teaching injury prevention guidelines are a speciality of G Malone Therapy Clinic in Tullamore.
Using his background in sports therapy, Gerard provides injury prevention advice in his Tullamore clinic, core strengthening techniques are available and Gerard can recommend the most effective balance of exercise and rest to prevent new injuries or injury reoccurrences.
The injury prevention in Tullamore provided by G Malone Therapy includes guidelines to prevent; sports injuries, strain injuries, stress injuries, repetitive strain injuries, lifting injuries and work injuries.