Broomfield Poultry specialise in breeding hens in County Monaghan.

Broomfield Poultry supply day old chicks to our many customers requiring day old chicks in Ireland. Our services include Hatching Sussex chicks, Hatching Pekin chicks, and Hatching Orpington chicks. Broomfield Poultry also hatch other breeds of hens at different times of year.

Broomfield Poultry have different breeds of chickens available at times including but not limited to

Bluebell day old chicks, Welsummer day old chicks , Dorking day old chicks, Rhode Island red day old chicks and Wyandotte day old chicks.

Broomfield Poultry stock many poultry products including  poultry feeders, poultry drinkers and poultry healthcare products.

Poultry healthcare products we stock are Hen Mite powder, Hen Apple Cider Vinegar, coxiod, Hen red mite powder, Hen Anti Feather Peck Spray.

At Broomfield Poultry all our hatching eggs are hatched out in our own in our 190 egg incubator.

Broomfield Poultry specialise in supplying day from day old chicks to POL (point of lay).

With Broomfield Poultrys many years experience in the Poultry Hatching and hen Rearing Sector we are always delighted pass on any information on what is the best poultry to have in your case. We can advise on any of the following

What best breed of Poultry  for you, taking best care of Poultry good laying hens, equipment for Day old chicks, feed for Poultry etc

Broomfield Poultry have fresh eggs available daily.

Please feel free to contact Broomfield Poultry by phone  042 9743767 or on Facebook