ETI Cable Detection - underground electrical cable detection specialists Mayo

ETI Cable Detection are underground electrical cable detection specialists in Mayo, who provide a complete range of underground cable detection and underground electrical fault-finding services in Mayo and all surrounding areas.

ETI Cable Detection - underground electrical cable detection specialists MayoAs long-established electrical fault-finding contractors in Mayo, ETI Cable Detection have over 20 years’ experience in underground electrical fault finding, cable tracing and underground cable detection for the residential, commercial and agricultural sectors, all staff are fully certified and insured, and with the latest electronic cable testing equipment, all underground cable detection and fault finding in Mayo and surrounding areas is undertaken.

The underground electrical cable detection in Mayo carried out by ETI Cable Detection includes: commercial electrical fault finding, residential electrical fault finding, agricultural electrical fault finding and all underground electrical cable detection services.

Commercial underground electrical fault detection is a speciality of ETI Cable Detection.

ETI Cable Detection - underground electrical cable detection specialists MayoHighly experienced in underground electrical fault finding, Seamus, proprietor of ETI Cable Detection provides underground fault detection, cable tracing and underground cable detection for all types of commercial businesses, electrical cables can accurately be detected to a depth of 3m, MEWPs and equipment to repair high pole street lighting is provided, underground cable detection and underground electrical fault finding is available outside of business hours, and commercial electrical fault detection in Mayo and surrounding areas can be arranged at short notice.

The commercial underground electrical fault detection in Mayo provided by ETI Cable Detection includes; commercial cable fault detection, underground cable location services, commercial cable tracing services, fault finding in industrial electrical cables, and underground electrical fault detection for; offices, schools, public buildings, council buildings, retail units, industrial units, public roads, private roads, hospitals, housing developments and all types of commercial properties.

Residential underground cable detection in Mayo is provided by ETI Cable Detection.

ETI Cable Detection - underground electrical cable detection specialists MayoWith modern electrical fault finding technology, Seamus can effectively locate and trace buried electrical cables in residential properties quickly and easily, non-invasive cable detection equipment is used to avoid damage to property and ensure accurate electrical cable mapping, testing services to assess the condition of buried residential electrical cables are provided, and residential underground electrical fault finding and underground electrical cable detection in Mayo can be arranged at short notice.

The residential underground electrical cable detection services in Mayo carried out by ETI Cable Detection includes: residential cable fault detection, residential underground cable locator, home cable tracing services, and detecting faulty underground electrical cable in residential properties that may cause; nuisance tripping, circuits not operational, power loss in fixed appliances, external lighting problems, burning cables, water damage, rodent damage, water ingress, lighting damage and all residential underground electrical fault finding services.

Agricultural underground cable detection in Mayo is carried out by ETI Cable Detection.

ETI Cable Detection - underground electrical cable detection specialists MayoFamiliar with the importance of underground electrical cables for irrigation, lighting and agricultural equipment, Seamus provides comprehensive electrical fault finding and underground cable detection for all sizes of farms, buried electrical cables can be found and repair quickly and easily, free estimates on underground cable detection for farms are provided, and agricultural electrical fault finding and underground cable detection in Mayo and surrounding areas is available at all times of the year.

The agricultural underground electrical fault finding in Mayo provided by ETI Cable Detection includes: farm cable fault detection, underground cable locator for agriculture, agricultural cable tracing services, fault finding in electrical farm cables, and finding and repairing faults with; electric fence interference, earthing of milking parlours, loss of power to submersible pumps, underground cable linking farm buildings, external lighting and all other electrical fault finding services for the agricultural sector.

For more information on underground electrical cable detection in Mayo phone - 094 954 4224