Ellen Kinahan B.A is a fully qualified Counsellor/Psychotherapist specialising in addiction. Ellen has extensive experience in working therapeutically with adults and adolescents in Addiction counselling, Bereavement counselling, Trauma therapy, group therapy and individual therapy. As a member of the IAAAC and been a qualified trained Counsellor/ Psychotherapist Ellen is in tune with the challenging events and issues of concern that can affect anyone. Ellen specialises in all aspects of therapy including,

Bereavement therapy, Addiction therapy, Family therapy, Marriage therapy, Trauma therapy, Accidents Trauma, Adult trauma and Childhood trauma.

Ellen has extensive experience working with the therapeutic needs of adults and adolescents in Addiction counselling. With her vast experience in addiction counselling  Ellen is an ideal choice  of counsellor no matter what type of addiction counselling is required including;

Alcoholic addiction, Gambling addiction, Drugs addiction, Family violence, Sexual addiction, Drink Addiction, Substance Addiction, Behavioural Addiction, Internet Behavioural Addiction

Awareness is paramount in clients confidentiality and encourages confidential space and time in assisting both directive and non-directive approaches to client’s creation of their own direction in issues of concern.

Ellen’ s areas of Speciality include: Family Suicide, Family Bereavement, Eating Disorders, Internet issues, Family Attachment problems, Adolescent low self-esteem , Adult low self-esteem, Parental guidance, Coping skills and Adolescent addiction workshops.

 Louth counsellor, Ellen Kinahan, also provides Counsellor/Psychotherapist on, Loss & Addiction, Understanding Drugs, Relapse Management, Communication and research in culture and community,Psycotheraputic Approaches in Therapies: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT), Advanced Motivational Interviewing(MI), Soluation Focused Therapy(SFT),Addiction young people and family, Mental health and addiction.

Sliding scale rates apply ring Ellen Kinahan today for a friendly consultation 086-125 4914