Aunty Paula’s Preschool is a children’s preschool in Drogheda that provides preschool for children and part-time care for children aged 1 to 5.
This Drogheda children’s preschool is fully insured, HSE inspected, VAT registered with qualified vetted staff and participates in all government child care schemes.
Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Drogheda participates in the following government childcare schemes including; (ECCE) Early Childhood Care and Education,( CETS) Childcare Education and Training Support, (TEC) Training and Employment Childcare and (CCPS) Community Childcare Subvention Private.
As a pre-school in Drogheda, Aunty Paula’s Preschool is ideal for children who will be attending any of the national schools in Drogheda, as many of the children in Aunty Paula’s Preschool later go to the same primary school.
The activities in Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Drogheda is specially designed to help in childhood development, learning children how to socialise, share, interact with other children and provide early lessons in painting, numbers, letters and shapes.
Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Drogheda is the ideal playachool for children who will be attending, Marymount girls national school, St. John's National School, St Pauls National School.
Located near to theM1 with easy access from the M 50 Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Drogheda is ideal for parents commuting from Drogheda or surrounding areas to Dublin.
After school care in Drogheda is provided by Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Ballsgrove, Drogheda. Security and safety of children in Aunty Paula’s Preschool in Drogheda is of the utmost importance.
External doors are kept locked at all times and children are continuously monitored on camera whilst on the premises and for a small fee parents can view their child on line.
The pre-school activities provided in this Drogheda pre-school include; creative play, language development, manipulative play, basic first aid, imaginative play, Physical play, basic anger management and cookery.
Children’s Easter camp and children’s summer camp in Drogheda is provided by Aunty Paula’s Preschool.
Children attending Aunty Paula’s Preschool Drogheda can be collected from local primary schools and Aunty Paula’s Preschool opened from 08.00 to 17.00
This Drogheda preschool is ideal for parents who are looking for any of the following in Drogheda including; crèche, play school, Montessori and Child care.
With many years’ experience in preschool teaching in Drogheda, Paula, proprietor of Aunty Paula’s Preschool, can answer any questions you may have on children’s preschool.
Some of the questions Paula is often asked include; what is the cost of preschool, what government preschool schemes are available, what preschool in Drogheda is near national schools, what preschool collects children from primary schools and who provides preschool in Drogheda?