Friends barbers are unisex hair dressers in Tallaght village and provides a complete hairdressing service for ladies and gentlemen in their Tallaght hairdressing salon.
The hairdressers and barbers in this Tallaght hair salon are all fully qualified in all aspects of ladies hairstyling and gent’s hairstyling.
The hairdressing services provided by friends barbers hairdressers in Tallaght include; ladies hairdressing, girls hairdressing, mens hairdressing, boys hairdressing, hair styling, hair colouring and continental hairstyles.
Ladies hairdressing in Tallaght is a speciality of Tallaght hairdressers, Friends unisex Tallaght hairdressing salon.
All of the hairdressers in these Tallaght hairdressers are very experienced and can advise on all aspects of ladies hair colouring and ladies hair styling.
The ladies hairdressing services available Friends Tallaght hair studio include; hair styling, hair cutting, hair colouring, hair extensions, ombre hair colouring, hair highlights and wedding here styling.
Friends barbers in Tallaght provide the ultimate hair dressing services in gentlemen’s hairdressing and beard shaving.
The barbers in this Tallaght hairdressing salon have many years’ experience in men’s hairdressing both in Ireland and Europe.
The gentleman’s hairdressing services available from Friends Tallaght Barbers include; gent’s hair styling, Men’s hair cutting, Boys haircuts, Men’s hair trimming, Youngman’s Haircuts, Gent’s design and advice on men’s hairstyling.
Continental hairstyling forms a large part of the hairdressing services of Friends Barbers in Tallaght.
The barbers in this barbers shop in Tallaght are familiar with all men’s regional worldwide hairstyling and can advise on men’s hair texture and suitability of hairstyle.
Friends Barbers in Tallaght provide all mens continental hairstyles including; Arabic hairstyles, African hairstyles, Middle East hairstyles and Asian hairstyles.
Styling and cutting of children’s hair is provided by Friends Hairdressers and Friends Barbers in their Tallaght hairdressers.
The hairdressers in this Tallaght hair salon are experienced in providing first time hairdressing for children and ensure that all children enjoy their first visit to a hairdressing salon.
The children’s hairdressing services available from Friends barbers unisex hair salon in Tallaght include; children’s first haircuts, boys first haircuts and girls first hair styling.