Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy is a professional physical therapist in Cavan who specialises in physical therapy and lymphatic drainage in her physical therapy clinic in Moynehall County Cavan.
As a Cavan physical therapist, Geraldine Farrelly Brady (R.G.N. – M.I.A.P.T. – M.I.R.I.), proprietor of Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy, is a fully qualified physical therapist with many years experience providing pain relief and sports injury recovery through remedial sports massage and physical therapy treatments in her Cavan physical therapy clinic.
The physical therapies in Cavan available from Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy include; sports injury therapy, sports massage, KT strapping, lymphatic drainage, reflexology and dry needling and her Physical Therapy clinic in Cavan is located close to Cavan Town, Kingscourt, Cootehill, Ballyjamesduff and Bailieborough.
Sports therapy in Cavan is carried out by Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy.
As a member of the Irish Association of Physical Therapists, Geraldine is experienced in treating all types of sports injuries, her in-depth knowledge of anatomy ensures injured areas are targeted with remedial sports massages promoting pain relief and faster recovery and applying therapeutic kinesiology tape/KT strapping provides soft tissue support to injuries enabling patients to undertake light exercise to benefit their healing.
The sports therapy in Cavan available from Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy includes treating; sports injuries, muscle tears, muscle strains, neck pains, nerve pains, shoulder pains, osteoporosis, arthritis, torn hamstrings, twisted ankles, frozen shoulders, tension headaches, golfer’s elbows, fallen arches and tennis elbow.
Manual lymphatic drainage in Cavan is a speciality of Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy.
Certified in lymphoedema therapy, Geraldine is fully trained in the Dr. Vodder method of manual lymphatic drainage, using her expert knowledge of the lymphatic system, Geraldine promotes lymphatic drainage in all areas of lymphoedema, advice on exercises to reduce lymphoedema is available and consultations on manual lymphatic drainage are provided in her Cavan lymphatic drainage centre.
The manual lymphatic drainage in Cavan available from Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy is beneficial for; swelling in the body, swelling in the limbs, body excess fluid, lymphatic fluid, oedema, lymphoedema, skin disorders and circulation conditions.
Reflexology in Cavan is carried out by Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy.
Knowledgeable in all pressure sensors in the feet and hands, fully qualified Cavan reflexology practitioner Geraldine uses the most up to date reflexology techniques to target individual concerns during reflexology treatments, recommends the most effective course of reflexology treatments for all specific ailments and reflexology treatments can be arranged at times to suit.
The reflexology treatments in Cavan available from Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy are beneficial for; digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, eczema, anxiety, depression, hay fever and sinusitis.
Muscular pain relief is provided in Geraldine’s Physical Therapy Clinic in Cavan.
Experienced in providing all types of muscular pain reduction through dry needling, Geraldine is familiar in locating the myofascial trigger points causing pain in particular muscles, uses modern dry needling techniques to release trigger points enabling the release of muscular pain and dry needling improves muscle tone and muscle movement.
The muscular pain relief in Cavan available from Geraldine Farrelly Brady Physical Therapy is beneficial in treating; back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, neck pain and is ideal for treating pain caused by; overloading muscles, overusing muscles, stress and tension.